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Eric Holder Tries Patchwork Fix For Federal Drug Sentencing

eric holder

Many of us have heard the outrageous examples of rapists and murderers serving less time in prison than low level marijuana and drug offenders.  To some,  this is just an odd quirk or a glitch in federal policy, a conversation that will soon find it’s way to back of our minds,  buried deep in the abyss of our sub consciousness, well below the layer our daily stresses.  To others, this is a broken family, this is children growing up without a father, this is the realization that your teen’s mistake in college could ruin the rest of his or her life.

The Obama Administration had initially vowed to fix the broken state of drug laws.  He and now Attorney General,  Eric Holder signaled an end to the War On Drugs,  or at least a drastically different approach.  The two indicated that going after the medical marijuana industry would not be an effective use of federal resources.  Apparently, what they meant was that we were not spending enough on attacking medical marijuana patients.  Less than one year through his second term,  President Obama enjoys the unique status of pursuing legal action against far more collectives than the Bush and Clinton years combined.

Perhaps feeling the sting of broken vows, an over saturated corrections system,  and an economy that remains barely in gear, has finally led to policy change.  Yesterday Mr. Holder announced a change in sentencing on a federal level for low level drug charges and that he wishes to circumvent “draconian mandatory minimum sentences.” Small cases that accompany mandatory federal sentences will be shifted to the states.  In regards to the states handling more of the cases,  Mr. Holder said “Some issues are best handled at the state or local level…And that’s why I have directed the United States Attorney community to develop specific, locally-tailored guidelines – consistent with our national priorities – for determining when federal charges should be filed, and when they should not.”

The change is certainly welcomed but it may be comparable to placing a Flintstones band aid over a large fatal wound.  Mr. Holder and federal authorities are basically conceding that federal drug laws are out of control and is not in line with the majority of American’s wishes.  Specifically, a large portion of the public wants marijuana to be taken off as a schedule 1 substance.  Instead of fixing the issue and reclassifying,  Mr. Holder will run from the laws he oversees.  Additionally,  shifting the responsibilities to the states only works if they do not operate under similar ” draconian law”.  Otherwise, those states could require additional funding.  Will this deadlocked Congress, that initially decline Storm Sandy victim relief be willing to designate additional funds to state level drug cases?

There may some optimism to take out of Mr. Holder’s actions.  This is the first time in quite a bit that the federal government is making a significant policy change in low level drug offenses.  Could this be setting up for future maneuvers and a reconciliation of state vs. federal laws?

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