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Pat Bucannan

Gary Johnson in Charlotte During DNC

gary johnson

As the Democratic National Convention occupied most of the headlines this week, another candidate for President was also in Charlotte.   Gary Johnson attended several events in the Charlotte area which included a NORML demonstration and a Tea Party event about a half hour away from the DNC.  The marijuana reform advocate seemed to enjoy his status as a third party candidate and possible spoiler for either Mitt Romney or Barack Obama.  Johnson said “I really do wish I was known as a spoiler on both sides, that the notion that people really do care about the fact that we are in endless wars, the fact that we do care about civil liberties, that we have a growing police state.” While third party candidates have little chance of winning the presidency they can bring attention to their cause.  Many feel that Ralph Nader and Pat Buccanan had a significant impact on the 2000 election.  Both candidates should probably be fearful but Mitt Romney his campaign in particular seem worried about Johnson upsetting their chances for the White House.  Attorneys for the Romney campaign have been filing legal challenges in many states including important swing states such as Virginia, which could be the key to the election.  Mr. Johnson is a former Republican and may still have support from voters in the party who are not energized by Mitt Romney.

For more on Gary Johnson and his upcoming appearances click here

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