Cannitrol – Cannabis Control Agent

Marijuana news from around the world

Founding fathers

A Day To Celebrate Our Independence


Besides Tom Cruise, there is another high profile birthday this week.  While alcohol, red meat, and fireworks are sure to dominate the day for many Americans, July 4th represents our country’s birth.  On this day the Founding Father’s adopted the Declaration of Independence and sent a clear message to the Kingdom of Britain that the original 13 colonies would no longer tolerate existing under such tyranny.

July 4th should remind us of the freedom that was won against all military odds.  However at times it seems this freedom is dissipating a bit.  Patients are not legally allowed under most states and federal law to relieve their medical ailments.  George Washington would not have outlawed marijuana, in fact he did the opposite.  It was mandated that farmers grow hemp, the all purpose wonder fiber which was instrumental in winning the Revolutionary War.

Our victory in the war provided us with freedom but with the turn of the century the political and propaganda machine took over, even though the Constitution was designed to combat this.  Now patients such as Bob Crouse have to break the law to medicate.  With a mounting deficit, several military engagements worldwide, and the often ignored issue of American poverty, why exactly is it imperative that we formulate battle strategies against a plant?

While we do not advocate breaking the law we do want people to feel good.  July 4th is an upbeat holiday and there are people who would not be able to enjoy the days festivities without medicating with cannabis.  Certain barbeque foods may not palatable for patients without nausea relief.  Walks on the beach or hikes may not possible either if it were not for the world’s best naturally growing medication.  Lets enjoy the day and appreciate the great things the United States has to offer.  Our government is certainly off base on this one issue but if we get back to work after enjoying this holiday we may be able to make sure that this is the last July 4th where patients have to secretly improve the quality of their life.

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Support For Marijuana Legalisation Reaches In History High

marijuana picture

We thought political figures as well as their staff are only for the poll amounts.  They spin the disadvantages and run using the positives.  The founding fathers never meant for career political figures.  To be able to have a job in politics for life, succumbing to poll amounts is generally necessary.  A minimum of, that’s what we should formerly thought.

This really is the key reason why marijuana reform like a political problem is really puzzling.  With 75 % of People in america supporting medicinal marijuana, it’s shocking that there’s no federal movement around the problem.  Furthermore, a brand new poll demonstrated that 50% of People in america offer the total legalisation of marijuana (not always medical use).  As support is surging for marijuana reform, the us government has elevated raids and it is anti marijuana stance.  Additionally they declined to reclassify marijuana like a schedule 1 drug captured.

It’s difficult to understand the ongoing fight for the us government.  Who stands to get rid of having a good sense method of marijuana regulation?  Just the large pharmaceutical companies spring to mind.  Shall we be coping with just simple resistance or perhaps an actual agenda to help keep a unsuccessful approach toward marijuana around the books?  Would the U . s . States rather attract voters who would like us to do something tough and persistent or if the U.S. attract voters who would like the main one trillion dollars back which have been targeted at world war 2 on drugs?  Many job comments are approaching soon for the chosen authorities (by means of the 2012 elections) plus they might be smart to attract an electronic generation presently on the point of register to election.  Acknowledging defeat might have more recognition than thumping our chests and dealing toward wasting the following trillion dollars.

We continuously monitor the poll amounts.  Remarkably enough, poll amounts possess a practice of motivating candidates to revise or reverse their positions.  We’ll find out if any candidates or their staff people realize the possibility to take advantage of these statistics.

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