Cannitrol – Cannabis Control Agent

Marijuana news from around the world

Large Marijuana Grow Found in Plain Sight Within Chicago City Limits…


Marijuana grows are located by authorities with great frequency.  A simple Google search using the key word “marijuana” will almost always quickly produce many stories where authorities have discovered large scale grows.  Even as this is occurring regularly, authorities still seemed to be baffled at how widespread marijuana is.  While the reports seem to indicate some sort of victory by law enforcement, they are only revealing a drop in the bucket.  For every illegal grow discovered there are countless that they will not find.  This is to be expected as an outdated approach can only yield outdated results.

The desperate need for cannabis regulation cannot be more clear after we learned of a developing story in America’s third largest city, Chicago.  Authorities found rows of marijuana plants, with many being 10 feet tall, lined in a space located just off the Bishop Ford Freeway.  Edward Graney of the Cooke County Sheriff’s Police Department noticed a patch of lime green while on a routine helicopter flight.  He said “I never thought I’d see something like this.”  Barely believing the location and size of the operation Graney went on to say “When I walked in there to get my head around this, I couldn’t believe how big it was, I was in shock. Basically, someone put 1,500 plants in the middle of an industrial park.”

As government officials still hope for a naturally growing plant to simply disappear off the face of the earth, their approach seems sillier by the day.  The field off the Chicago highway was estimated to contain as much as $10 million of street valued marijuana.  These illegal grows will never be taxed and often it is difficult to even ascertain who is behind the operation.  The size and location of plants found shows that those growing are not exactly living in fear of authorities.  If one of the world’s largest metropolitan area is now considered a safe place to grow marijuana in the open, what hope does law enforcement have of uncovering grows deep in the woods of rural areas?

Police and DEA officials are left without the ability to enforce marijuana policy.  Of course it is not the fault of individual agents.  Would we hand modern physicians tools from last century and demand cutting edge results?  Regulation and legal economics offer the only plausible way to move forward.  If marijuana were regulated within the United States, the need for a black market would quickly dissipate.  Once the economics and demand are damaged, illegal drug trafficking simply will not offer lucrative rewards.  Those new lucrative rewards could be redistributed toward tax payers or for repairing our crumbling bridges and infrastructure.  That would also result in putting many of the currently 7.8% of our population who find themselves unemployed.  For those serious about keeping marijuana away from children and restoring our economic prosperity should be shocked at the decades long failure that has produced an even larger and more dangerous unregulated marijuana market.

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