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The Importance of Medical Marijuana Testing Labs


We have grown accustomed to many safety nets in America. How many people really spend considerable thought about our food testing? The FDA regulates safety testing for food and drugs. Could we imagine food hitting the market without E.Coli screening? Without intense clinical trials, most Americans would feel very apprehensive about their pharmaceuticals.

With a new area of medication growing rapidly, the demand for lab testing in the medical marijuana industry will likely increase as well. Mold, pests, and insecticides are among the major safety concerns for medical cannabis cultivation. This is not the only function of the labs. While THC is a household name, many patients are concerned with another compound, CBD. This also is found in cannabis and has been known to bring relief for many medical ailments. Medical labs can test for this and help patients find strains that are tailored to their concerns.

While there have not been reports of widespread side effects from a lack of testing in dispensaries, it would only take one major incident to railroad the medical marijuana industry. Universal acceptance of medical marijuana will have to involve lab tests and safety assurance. Additionally, the increased lab presence in the industry could have a positive economic impact. The current labs would grow with new ones being needed to keep up with testing demands. Safety and affordability for meds is becoming vital as Americans continue to struggle financially. Lab tested medical marijuana could still satisfy both of these concerns.

The early stages of the food industry in the United States were not acceptable with few federal laws monitoring safety for food. States had some of their own laws, but the scrutiny needed to properly ensure food safety was simply not there. In 1906, due to food companies not creating the proper levels of quality control, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Food and Drug act. This, in turn, led to the eventual creation of the FDA. The medical marijuana industry should take note, and seek testing voluntarily (a number of the major dispensaries have already begun this) before a tragic event that devastates the industry.

For more information, see: | FDA History

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