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Marijuana news from around the world

Danielle Piomelli

Marijuana Like Compound in Brain Shows Fragile X Syndrome May Be Treatable


The federal government has shown an unwillingness to entertain operational changes.  In particular, federal authorities still prefer to suppress the monumental potential of medical marijuana as it is an uncomfortable topic because it may require regulation, rescheduling, and the admission of an almost 100 year mistake.

Medical marijuana breakthroughs are occurring at a frequent rate.  Last week alone, reported on a breakthrough that showed cannabis had the potential to fight epilepsy.  Perhaps even more groundbreaking was a study that showed components of marijuana had the ability to slow the spreading of cancer cells.  Of course this builds on years research that have shown marijuana to be a miracle of sorts, and has demonstrated promise in fighting chronic pain, muscle conditions, MS, complications related to chemotherapy, glaucoma, the spreading of HIV/AIDS, nausea, PTSD etc (it would take too much time to list them all).

Fragile X Syndrome now joins the constantly growing list of medical conditions that may benefit from marijuana research.  This complex condition is associated with autism and mental retardation in men and considered the most common cause of both.  Fragile X syndrome is a mutation of the FMR1 gene in the X chromosome that is passed on by the mother.  This mutation can result in mental disability, hyperactivity, physical disability, and language deficiencies.

The main problem has to do with messages and receptors in the brain.    Researchers have now found that 2-AG, a marijuana like compound and endocannabinoid transmitter is showing considerable promise in reducing fragile x syndrome symptoms.  Daniele Piomelli, a professor at UC Irvine was the lead researcher of the study and recently said “This compound is so important in regulating neural transmission in the brain that it seemed possible that it might be involved in a disease that is so devastating on brain function.”   When the 2-AG signal is boosted, it appears the brain will relay the correct messages, at least in lab mice.  Proffessor Piomelli explained  “We asked, ‘If we boost a little bit of that 2-AG signal, will it be enough to correct the problems that occur in fragile X mice? The answer was a resounding, Yes.  We corrected the physiology, but most importantly, we corrected their behavior.  The animals behaved just like normal animals.  They didn’t have the fears and movement problems of those with fragile X.”

We are only now seeing the tip of the iceberg as decades of potential research have been lost due to senseless marijuana regulations.  However, as groundbreaking discoveries that have eluded modern medicine for decades are coming through marijuana research, how long can we truly afford to look the other way.  As politicians are desperate not to admit mistakes (see Mitt Romney Campaign), there is something admirable about those who stand up, admit fault, and reverse a century long problem.

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