Cannitrol – Cannabis Control Agent

Marijuana news from around the world

National Medicines Agency

Marijuana Updates From Romania and Switzerland


The United States government has taken the first step toward repealing prohibition, Canada has relaunched and expanded the scope of their medical marijuana program, and Mexican leaders and celebrities are banding together in unprecedented fashion in order to legalize and reduce cartel violence.  It was an eventful month in North America. Perhaps riding the momentum spilling out of North America for marijuana reform, Switzerland and Romania have announced major changes to their cannabis laws.

As of this month, marijuana possession for adults in Switzerland has been decriminalized.  For those over the age of 18, getting caught with 10 grams or less will result in a ticket without  jail time or a court appearance.  The fine has been set at 110 Francs (approximately $120 in U.S. currency).  The move was aimed at freeing up the courts, law enforcement resources, and creating a clear law across the board, as local municipalities have enacted different and conflicting laws.  The penalties for selling marijuana to those under 18 have increased.

Romania also has moved forward with significant changes to their marijuana laws.  Recreational use will remain banned, but a new medical marijuana program received the green light this week.  They have become the 10th country within the European Union to legalize medical marijuana.  Patients with certain debilitating conditions may be able to legally obtain marijuana to help with their symptoms.  Manufacturers will soon be able to apply through Romania’s National Agency of Medicines.

We will keep you updated with any new developments on this or other international developments.  Cannabis’ reputation as a healer and economy driver seems to be traveling far and wide these days.

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