September 12, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, Epidiolex, Europe, European, extraction, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, labs, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, test, Testing, UK, Union, United Kingdom, united states, weed, withdrawal
This is the final piece of a four-part series discussing European cannabis regulations. Click here for Part One, here for Part Two and here for Part Three. Part Four wraps up the series below. Where is the future of CBD heading? A review of these various jurisdictions, the EU, the UK, and the USA, makes it clear that […]
analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, Epidiolex, Europe, European, extraction, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, labs, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, test, Testing, UK, Union, United Kingdom, united states
September 6, 2023 blogger analysis, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, Epidiolex, EU, European, extraction, farm bill, FDA, Federal, FSA, government, Growing, GW Pharma, industry, International, laboratories, laboratory, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, test, Testing, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom, weed, withdrawal
This is Part Three of a four-part series discussing European cannabis regulations. Click here for Part One and here for Part Two. Part Three dives into dosage, approvals and more. Stay tuned for the final Part Four, coming next week. But does CBD harm the liver? Here, it is important that we compare apples to apples. […]
analysis, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, Epidiolex, EU, European, extraction, farm bill, FDA, Federal, FSA, government, Growing, GW Pharma, industry, International, laboratories, laboratory, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, test, Testing, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom
September 5, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, CQC, CQCExpo, Cultivation, David Vaillencourt, dispensary, extraction, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, sale, seed, Soapbox, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, test, Testing, THC, The GMP Collective, to, weed, withdrawal, workshop
Recently, Congress requested detailed information regarding the regulation of CBD and other cannabinoids. This comes on the heels of frustration around federal inaction with regards to cannabinoid-containing products produced from Cannabis sativa L. plant extracts that can be classified as “hemp” products amidst the clear need for safety standards that goes above and beyond state […]
analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, CQC, CQCExpo, Cultivation, David Vaillencourt, dispensary, extraction, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, sale, seed, Soapbox, state, test, Testing, THC, The GMP Collective, to, workshop
August 28, 2023 blogger american, analysis, analytics, authority, British, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, dispensary, EFSA, Epidiolex, Europe, European, export, extraction, FDA, Federal, food, government, Growing, import, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, safety, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom, united states, weed, withdrawal
This is Part Two of a four-part series discussing European cannabis regulations. Click here for Part One. Part Two analyzes the differences between the UK, the EU and the US. Part Three, coming next week, dives into dosage, approvals and more. Stay tuned for more. EU Regulatory Environment We Europeans look with envy at the […]
american, analysis, analytics, authority, British, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, dispensary, EFSA, Epidiolex, Europe, European, export, extraction, FDA, Federal, food, government, Growing, import, industry, International, lab, laboratories, laboratory, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, product, quality, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, safety, state, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom, united states
August 21, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, consumer, dispensary, Europe, European, extraction, Federal, food, government, Growing, industry, International, laboratory, labs, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, novel, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Shelley Stark, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom, weed, withdrawal
This is Part One of a four-part series discussing European cannabis regulations. Part One serves as an introduction. Part Two, coming next week, will analyze the differences between the UK, the EU and the US. Stay tuned for more. As I walk through any European cannabis expo – events like Cultiva Hanfexpo, Cannafest Prague or […]
analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, consumer, dispensary, Europe, European, extraction, Federal, food, government, Growing, industry, International, laboratory, labs, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, novel, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Shelley Stark, THC, UK, Union, United Kingdom
July 25, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, dispensary, Europe, European, Federal, German, Germany, government, Growing, industry, International, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, Recreational, Regulations, regulatory, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, weed, withdrawal
Following the German cannabis reform movement is like watching a snowboard jump competition. We launch into the big jump with lofty promises, only to face the difficulty of gaining meaningful, immediate momentum at the bottom of the halfpipe. Nevertheless, we persevere through smaller political moves that set us up for more advanced regulatory jumps, all […]
analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, CBD, compliance, consumer, Cultivation, dispensary, Europe, European, Federal, German, Germany, government, Growing, industry, International, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, Medical, Medicine, Recreational, Regulations, regulatory
June 13, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, broker, Business, Business Analysis, cannabis, commercial, compliance, coverage, digital, dispensaries, government, Growing, HUB, ID, industry, insurance, insure, International, Jay Virdi, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, liability, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, online, Operations, product, property, provider, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, Tax, THC, weed, withdrawal
Cannabis sales in the United States are expected to hit $100 billion by 2030, and yet dispensary owners still face hurdles before getting up and running, namely obtaining the right insurance coverage. Unlike a coffee shop or clothing store, it can be difficult to secure the insurance coverage needed to satisfy the requirements prescribed by the […]
analysis, analytics, broker, Business, Business Analysis, cannabis, commercial, compliance, coverage, digital, dispensaries, government, Growing, HUB, ID, industry, insurance, insure, International, Jay Virdi, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, liability, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, online, Operations, product, property, provider, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, state, Tax, THC
May 24, 2023 blogger 21 CFR 111, 21 CFR 117, 21 CFR 210-111, analysis, analytics, BSI, Business, Business Analysis, cannabis, compliance, Concentrates & Extracts, consumer, content, Cultivation, Cultivation & Growing, Dispensaries & Retail, dispensary, Edibles & Processing, event, extraction, food safety, GMP, government, Growing, hemp, ICH Q7, industry, International, ISO 22716, Jennifer Lott, lab, laboratories, Laboratories & Analytics, laboratory, labs, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, mitigate, mitigation, Operations, product, Product Development, quality, RC - Cannabis & Hemp Testing Solutions, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, risk, risks, RSPO, safety, sponsored, Sponsored Content, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, Supply Chain, test, Testing, THC, webinar, weed, WHO GDP, withdrawal
There are a lot of risks throughout the entire supply chain in the cannabis and hemp markets. Legal and regulatory issues, quality control reliability, security problems, product safety, potency, and constantly changing supply and demand are just a few major risks cannabis operators must stay on top of. A lot of companies mitigate these risks […]
21 CFR 111, 21 CFR 117, 21 CFR 210-111, analysis, analytics, BSI, Business, Business Analysis, cannabis, compliance, Concentrates & Extracts, consumer, content, Cultivation, Cultivation & Growing, Dispensaries & Retail, dispensary, Edibles & Processing, event, extraction, food safety, GMP, government, Growing, hemp, ICH Q7, industry, International, ISO 22716, Jennifer Lott, lab, laboratories, Laboratories & Analytics, laboratory, labs, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, mitigate, mitigation, Operations, product, Product Development, quality, RC - Cannabis & Hemp Testing Solutions, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, risk, risks, RSPO, safety, sponsored, Sponsored Content, state, Supply Chain, test, Testing, THC, webinar, WHO GDP
May 3, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, compliance, Cultivation, cyber, cybercriminals, defense, dispensary, EDR, extraction, firewall, government, Growing, HUB, industry, insurance, insure, International, IT, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, malware, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicial Marijuana, Medicine, MFA, network, phishing, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, secure, security, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, system, tool, VPN, weed, withdrawal
The cannabis industry is the latest target for cybercriminals. Why? Because many cannabis operations employ less than 100 workers and few are equipped with sophisticated IT systems and knowledgeable on-staff IT personnel, so they are often easier to exploit. Add the all-cash nature of the business, along with the large amounts of protected health data […]
analysis, analytics, Business, cannabis, compliance, Cultivation, cyber, cybercriminals, defense, dispensary, EDR, extraction, firewall, government, Growing, HUB, industry, insurance, insure, International, IT, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, license, malware, marijuana, market, Medical, Medicine, MFA, network, phishing, product, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, safety, secure, security, state, system, tool, VPN
April 20, 2023 blogger analysis, analytics, ASTM, Business, Business Analysis, cannabinoid, cannabis, compliance, Concentrates & Extracts, consumer, Darwin Millard, develop, development, Dispensaries & Retail, Edibles & Processing, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, label, labeling, laboratories, Law, Legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, marijuana, market, Medicial Marijuana, Operations, product, Product Development, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, specifications, standard, state, Stop Smoking Marijuana, Stop Smoking Pot, THC, weed, withdrawal
ASTM International has announced the approval of a new standard in development that could have potentially wide-reaching influence on the cannabis industry throughout the world. ASTM’s cannabis committee (D37) has approved the new standard (D8449) for development that aims to develop internationally aligned label specifications for all products containing cannabinoids. According to the press release, […]
analysis, analytics, ASTM, Business, Business Analysis, cannabinoid, cannabis, compliance, Concentrates & Extracts, consumer, Darwin Millard, develop, development, Dispensaries & Retail, Edibles & Processing, Federal, government, Growing, industry, International, lab, label, labeling, laboratories, Law, legal, legalization, Legalize, legislation, marijuana, market, Operations, product, Product Development, quality, Recreational, regulation, Regulations, regulatory, Retail, specifications, standard, state, THC